Your Constitutional Right To Pursue Happiness
The problem with an injury claim is that an injury takes the energy out of daily life and burdens the hurt person with overwhelming tasks that after being injured take twice the... no, three, four, ...ten times the time to complete and in addition to that, time has to be made to seek out help in the form of therapy, physician appoinments, medication etcetera. Do not go it alone. Hire an experienced personal injury lawyer. If not me, then interview others and hire one that has actually represented injured people from claim notification to the negotiation phase, through the mediation phase, the arbitration phase, and even to successful jury trials when the insurance company is being unreasonable. An injury is not something to entrust to inexperienced lawyers or a lawyer who has never looked jurors in the eye and told them 'yes this case is about money ...' . Compensation for injury is all about the money, the exact amount that will level the scales of justice for the injury done. It is not pie in the sky or something for nothing. Our fellow citizens did not give their lives in service for our country for some bloodless defense attorney to act like someone injured is less than a citizen of the United States of America.
NOTICE: Evidence has a way of disappearing and evaporating after time and the recollection of witnesses dims over time. If you have suffered a serious injury get us involved in the claim as soon as possible. If not us then call another experienced lawyer today - now. Over the past twenty-five years I have seen many people wait too long to engage me or someone else with experience. Call us today: 770-253-7778.